Gruodžio 12–22 d. grupė Didždvario gimnazijos vienuoliktokų dalyvavo Erasmus+ vykdomame projekte „Thinking Wider, Thinking Beyond“. Vokietijoje susitiko jaunuoliai iš Ispanijos, Italijos, Vokietijos, Ukrainos bei Lietuvos. Susitikimo tema apėmė šiuolaikines problemas, aktualijas, dalyvavusių šalių kultūras bei tradicijas. Mokytasi reikšti asmeninę nuomonę tuo pačiu metu gerbiant kitų žmonių nuomonę, skatinta savirealizacija. Puikus rezultatas  pasiektas diskutuojant, žaidžiant ir dirbant komandomis.

Projekte nusprendžiau dalyvauti norėdamas artimiau susipažinti su skirtingų kultūrų žmonėmis, norėdamas tobulinti pasaulėvoką, ugdyti kompetencijas. Tikiu, jog kelionėje savo lūkesčius pasiekiau ir į Lietuvą grįžau pasisėmęs naujų žinių, naujų patirčių bei, žinoma, atradęs naujų draugų. Didžiausią įspūdį man paliko Vokietijos krašto savitumas, kontrastingas mūsų šaliai, su kuriuo susipažinau lipdamas į kalnus,  Magdeburgo miesto architektūra. Be to, negaliu nepaminėti išbandyto kitų šalių tradicinio maisto, kurį, tikiuosi, įkomponuosiu ir savoje virtuvėje. Lukas Šateika, IIId kl. 

Svarbiausios projekto veiklos – tai diskusijos labai įvairiomis temomis, pavyzdžiui,  LGBTQ+ narių kasdienybė homofobiškose valstybėse, femicidas, karo neramumai, pabėgėliai, rasių skirtumai. Buvo įdomu mokytis reikšti savo nuomonę, kritiškai mąstyti, susipažinti su projekto dalyvių kultūromis, be to, pildėme „Youthpass” pažymėjimą. Supratau, jog po dalyvavimo šio projekto veiklose tapau daug drąsesnė, gebanti kalbėti argumentuotai, susiradau naujų draugų. Tikiuosi, kad dar turėsiu galimybę dalyvauti panašiame projekte! Elzė Šleževičiūtė

My First Erasmus+ Experience. From December 12th to December 22nd, 2021, I and six other students, including our class currator Danguolė Kukla, took part in the Erasmus+ project „Thinking Wider, Thinking Beyond,” which was held in Magdeburg, Germany. During our time, we lived, met, and worked with people from Ukraine, Italy, Spain, Germany, Denmark and Turkey. We investigated several facets of our identities, origins, and cultures, including human rights, inclusion, empowerment, citizenship, nationality, values, and prejudice. We also had the opportunity to learn about Germany itself, as we toured Magdeburg and trekked in the Harz mountains, a highland area in central Germany. Through this experience, I gained a deeper understanding of myself and others, shared my culture and learnt about the diversity of other cultures, and formed many new bonds with wonderful individuals whom I want to meet again. I hope to use the knowledge and experience I gained during this Erasmus+ project in my community through interesting and engaging workshops which would be beneficial in many ways: from improving critical thinking and communication skills to encouraging a deeper and more sofisticated discussion about today‘s major world issues. Neilas Beniušis TB1

On December 12th – 22nd, 2021 6 other students, our curator Danguolė Kukla and I flew to Magdeburg, Germany to participate in an Erasmus+ project “Thinking Wider, Thinking Beyond”. We and other participants from Spain, Italy, Ukraine and Germany worked together in workshops to share our perspectives on many different topics. By doing this we also familiarised ourselves with different cultures, realised how our unique experiences affect our perspective and explored many aspects of our own identities. We were also able to explore Germany by visiting many unique places of interest in Magdeburg and hiking in the Hartz mountains. I have never been a part of anything like this before so I was not sure what to expect from it, however, I was not disappointed at all and I definitely want to participate in more projects like this. I had a great time, learned a lot and had the chance to meet an amazing group of people. I have made many new friends, with whom I still keep in touch after the project and I am sure that I will see them again in the future. Paulius Pastoraitis, TB1 kl.

In 2021, December 12th-22nd, I participated in Erasmus+ project “Thinking Wider, Thinking Beyond” in Germany, where we worked together with people from Germany, Ukraine, Spain and Italy. We used creative methods to share about our cultures, backgrounds, identities and experiences to tackle topics like discrimination, inclusion, human rights, democracy, empowerment, participation and citizenship. During this experience, I learnt how to film stop-motion films, got know better other cultures and enlighten other participants about Lithuania and its’ culture. I’m grateful for the chance to meet and get to know people from other countries and with make life-long friendships! Kamilė Ščiukaitė, TB1 kl.

If I had to describe my experience in the Erasmus exchange program in Germany in 2 words, I would say life changing, because it surpassed all the expectations I had before. The experience as a whole for me was very positive, I got to see Germany, participate in different workshops which ranged from topics like team building to more sensitive ones like cultural identity and equality. The thing that made these experiences so pleasant is the fact that everyone was accepting of each other and could voice their opinion. However the biggest takeaway from the whole program for me was meeting new people. The communication skills that I gained are simply amazing in my eyes. I became more accepting of different people and I’m still amazed of how I overcame my fear of expressing myself. I think that everyone who has an opportunity to participate in similar events should definitely do it and try to take as much as they can from it. Gvidas Kulikauskas, TB1 kl.

On December 12th – 22nd, 2021 I and 7 other students including our German language teacher Danguolė Kukla participated in Erasmus+ project “Thinking Wider, Thinking Beyond”, which took place in Magdeburg, Germany. During our stay we lived, got to know and worked together with other participants from Ukraine, Italy, Spain and Germany. We explored different aspects of our identities, backgrounds and cultures through such topics as human rights, inclusion, empowerment, citizenship, nationality, values and discrimination. We also got a chance to know Germany itself: we explored Magdeburg city and hiked in Harz, which is a highland area in northern Germany. Through this journey, I got to understand myself and others better, shared my culture and learned about different cultures and tied a lot of new bonds with wonderful people whom I hope I’ll meet again. Marija Zubareva, TB1 kl.